Guide:Skyrim INI/Trees

From Step Mods | Change The Game

[Trees][edit | edit source]

bEnableTreeAnimations[edit | edit source]

bEnableTreeAnimations toggles the "dynamic" rendering of trees. If disabled, all trees will be skinned and inanimate, using the "static" version of tree rendering. It seems to do the same thing as bEnableTrees. See the Skyrim Tree Settings Guide for more information.

Default is 1.


bEnableTrees[edit | edit source]

bEnableTrees toggles the "dynamic" rendering of trees. If disabled, all trees will be skinned and inanimate, using the "static" version of tree rendering. It seems to do the same thing as bEnableTreeAnimations. See the Skyrim Tree Settings Guide for more information.

Default is 1.


bForceFullDetail[edit | edit source]

bForceFullDetail is believed to be unused by the game. In testing with multiple different combinations, no difference was noticed.
This setting originated with Oblivion, where it forced full tree LOD to display.
Since both games use completely different tree systems, it most likely has no effect.

Default is 0.


bPickSkinnedTrees[edit | edit source]

bPickSkinnedTrees is believed to be unused by the game. In testing with multiple different combinations, no difference was noticed.

Default is 1.


fUpdateBudget[edit | edit source]

fUpdateBudget appears to control the amount of resources allocated to tree animations. If set to 0, tree animations will be effectively disabled while not causing all trees to be skinned. See the Skyrim Tree Settings Guide for more information.

Dependent upon:

  • bEnableTrees=1
  • bEnableTreeAnimations=1

Default is 1.5.
