Guide:Skyrim INI/General

From Step Mods | Change The Game

[General][edit | edit source]

bAlwaysActive[edit | edit source]

bAlwaysActive toggles the ability of the game to remain active when it is out of focus (i.e. if in a windowed mode setup, if one clicks outside the Skyrim window with this enabled, the game will not pause).

Default is 0.


bAnimateDoorPhysics[edit | edit source]

bAnimateDoorPhysics may toggle something... but it is uncertain what. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 0.


bBackgroundLoadVMData[edit | edit source]

bBackgroundLoadVMData toggles the ability of the game to load Papyrus scripting virtual machine data in the background?

Default is 0.


bBorderRegionsEnabled[edit | edit source]

bBorderRegionsEnabled toggles the ability to go outside the borders of a worldspace. It is recommended to be left on.

Default is 1.


bCRTMemoryChecks[edit | edit source]

bCRTMemoryChecks is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bCalculateArmorMeshAndTextureFileCounts[edit | edit source]

bCalculateArmorMeshAndTextureFileCounts is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bChangeTimeMultSlowly[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit[edit | edit source]

bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bCheckPurgedTextureList[edit | edit source]

bCheckPurgedTextureList is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bCreate Maps Enable[edit | edit source]

bCreate Maps Enable is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.

bCreate Maps Enable=(0,1)

bDebugSpectatorThreats[edit | edit source]

bDebugSpectatorThreats is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bDefaultCOCPlacement[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bDirectionalMaterial[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bDisableAllGore[edit | edit source]

bDisableAllGore toggles the ability of the game to show blood decals and effects.

Default is 0.


bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck[edit | edit source]

bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bDisableGearedUp[edit | edit source]

bDisableGearedUp toggles off a bugged feature in Skyrim where all favorite items are shown as equipped and passive on your character. However, if you equip a favorite weapon and them equip another favorite weapon, the first item will become invisible or else become doubly equipped. If the game could be forced to unequip the item before equipping another, this would be a great feature. As is, it is buggy and unuseful except, perhaps, for screen archers.

Default is 1.


bDisplayBoundingVolumes[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion[edit | edit source]

bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion toggles drawing objects that are not directly visible. It is recommended to be left on.

Default is 1.


bEnableFileCaching[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bExternalLODDataFiles[edit | edit source]

bExternalLODDataFiles is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bFaceMipMaps[edit | edit source]

bFaceMipMaps is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bFacegenDisableMorphs[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bFixAIPackagesOnLoad[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bFlyingMountFastTravelCruiseEnabled[edit | edit source]

bFlyingMountFastTravelCruiseEnabled was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 0.


bHealthRegenFromRacePlayerOnly[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bKeepDLStringBlocksLoaded[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bKeepILStringBlocksLoaded[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bKeepPluginWhenMerging[edit | edit source]

bKeepPluginWhenMerging is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bMultiThreadMovement[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bParallelAnimUpdate[edit | edit source]

bParallelAnimUpdate is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bPreCullActors[edit | edit source]

bPreCullActors toggles drawing actors that are not directly visible. It is recommended to be left on.

Default is 1.


bPreemptivelyUnloadCells[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bPreloadIntroSequence[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bQueueWarnings[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bReconstructIDTags[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess[edit | edit source]

bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bRunVTuneTest[edit | edit source]

bRunVTuneTest is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bShowCheckMemoryOutput[edit | edit source]

bShowCheckMemoryOutput is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bShowGunTarget[edit | edit source]

bShowGunTarget is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bShowLoadingAreaMessage[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates[edit | edit source]

bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bTaskletCellTransformsUpdate[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bTintMipMaps[edit | edit source]

bTintMipMaps is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bTrackAllDeaths[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bUseBodyMorphs[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bUseEyeEnvMapping[edit | edit source]

bUseEyeEnvMapping is believed to be unused by the game. bUseEyeEnvMapping may have toggled NPC eye reflections and specular highlights. This worked in Oblivion, but it does not work in Skyrim according to testing.

Default is 1.


bUseFaceGenPreprocessedHeads[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bUseHardDriveCache[edit | edit source]

Enabling this option may cause stuttering.

Default is 0.


bUseMovementBlockedPackage[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bUseMultibounds[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


bUseMyGamesDirectory[edit | edit source]

bUseMyGamesDirectory is believed to be unused by the game. bUseMyGamesDirectory may have toggled where the game will look for and place the game configuration and load order files. It was an Oblivion tweak, and it seems to have gone to Oblivion, since it does not work in Skyrim according to testing.

Default is 1.


bUseOptimizedTextureLoading[edit | edit source]

bUseOptimizedTextureLoading is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bUseThreadedMorpher[edit | edit source]

bUseThreadedMorpher is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bUseThreadedParticleSystem[edit | edit source]

bUseThreadedParticleSystem is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


bUseThreadedTempEffects[edit | edit source]

bUseThreadedTempEffects is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 1.


bWarnOnMaterialCollisions[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bWarnOnMissingFileEntry[edit | edit source]

bWarnOnMissingFileEntry is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 0.


fAutoDoorFadeSecs[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.5.


fBSTaskTime[edit | edit source]

Default is 2.


fBetaDeferredKillTimer[edit | edit source]

Default is 15.


fCloakEffectUpdateInterval[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.5.


fDragonLandingForPlayerNavMeshSize[edit | edit source]

fDragonLandingForPlayerNavMeshSize was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 250.


fDragonLandingForPlayerSearchDist[edit | edit source]

fDragonLandingForPlayerSearchDist was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 3000.


fEncumberedReminderTimer[edit | edit source]

fEncumberedReminderTimer sets the time interval between subsequent "You are carrying too much to be able to run" messages when the player's inventory has exceeded its weight limit.

Default is 30.


fFastTravelFadeSecs[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.5.


fFlickeringLightDistance[edit | edit source]

Default is 1024.


fFlyingMountDismountOffset[edit | edit source]

fFlyingMountDismountOffset was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 30.


fFlyingMountFastTravelArrivalHeight[edit | edit source]

fFlyingMountFastTravelDragonSpeed was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 1000.


fFlyingMountFastTravelDragonSpeed[edit | edit source]

fFlyingMountFastTravelDragonSpeed was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 7000.


fFlyingMountLandingRequestTimer[edit | edit source]

fFlyingMountLandingRequestTimer was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 3.


fFlyingMountSlowestSpeedMult[edit | edit source]

fFlyingMountSlowestSpeedMult was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 0.25.


fFlyingMountTutorialMessageDelay[edit | edit source]

fFlyingMountTutorialMessageDelay was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 15.


fLoadGameFadeSecs[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


fMasterFilePreLoadMB[edit | edit source]

fMasterFilePreLoadMB is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is 40.


fNormalDoorFadeSecs[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.400000006.


fNormalDoorFadeWait[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.0099999998.


fPlayerFlyingMountBaseTargetSpeed[edit | edit source]

fPlayerFlyingMountBaseTargetSpeed was added with the official 1.6 patch.

Default is 700.


fPlayerFlyingMountFastBaseTargetSpeed[edit | edit source]

fPlayerFlyingMountFastBaseTargetSpeed was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 1400.


fPlayerFlyingMountNothingLoadingMult[edit | edit source]

fPlayerFlyingMountNothingLoadingMult was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 10.


fPlayerFlyingMountTravelMaxHeight[edit | edit source]

fPlayerFlyingMountTravelMaxHeight was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 400.


fPlayerFlyingMountTravelMinHeight[edit | edit source]

fPlayerFlyingMountTravelMinHeight was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 200.


fProcessListsUpdateHighFrameRate[edit | edit source]

Default is 30.


fProcessListsUpdateLowFrameRate[edit | edit source]

Default is 10.


fProcessListsUpdateTimeMax[edit | edit source]

Default is 5.


fProcessListsUpdateTimeMin[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.5.


fStoryTellerQuestFindTime[edit | edit source]

Default is 2.


iAIThread1HWThread[edit | edit source]

iAIThread1HWThread is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 3.


iAIThread2HWThread[edit | edit source]

iAIThread2HWThread is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 5.


iEnumRefsAllowedPerFrame[edit | edit source]

Default is 1.


iFPSClamp[edit | edit source]

iFPSClamp aligns the FPS of gameplay to that of your actual fps. It makes all game actions happen at a speed of your FPS divided by this value. If you get 60 fps and set this to 2, the game animations and everything will be 30 times as fast as normal, with accompanying bugs. If used, it is best to set it at a little under your current FPS. It is recommended to leave this at its default 0 so that the game speed always is the same speed as your FPS.

Default is 0.


iFlyingMountSlowestQueuedRefCount[edit | edit source]

iFlyingMountSlowestQueuedRefCount was added with the official 1.8 patch.

Default is 250.


iHWThread1[edit | edit source]

iHWThread1 is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 4.


iHWThread2[edit | edit source]

iHWThread2 is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 4.


iHWThread3[edit | edit source]

iHWThread3 is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 4.


iHWThread4[edit | edit source]

iHWThread4 is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 5.


iHWThread5[edit | edit source]

iHWThread5 is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 5.


iHWThread6[edit | edit source]

iHWThread6 is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 5.


iIntroSequencePriority[edit | edit source]

Default is 3.


iLargeIntRefCount[edit | edit source]

Default is 1000.


iLowProcessingMilliseconds[edit | edit source]

Default is 2.


iNumBitsForFullySeen[edit | edit source]

Default is 248.


iNumHWThreads[edit | edit source]

iNumHWThreads sets the maximum number of hardware threads the game can use. Set this to the number of cores your CPU has, doubling that number if it has hyperthreading – though setting this to 2 on a DualCore system without hyperthreading may freeze the game.

Default is 4.


iPreloadSizeLimit[edit | edit source]

Default is 26214400.


iRenderingThread1HWThread[edit | edit source]

iRenderingThread1HWThread is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 0.


iRenderingThread2HWThread[edit | edit source]

iRenderingThread2HWThread is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no difference was noticed.

Default is 1.


iUpdateDetectionsAllowedPerFrame[edit | edit source]

Default is 100.


sCharGenQuest[edit | edit source]

sCharGenQuest sets the quest id for the starting quest when you begin a new game.

Default is 0003372b.


sEssentialFileCacheList[edit | edit source]

sEssentialFileCacheList is probably is a caching system for essential game data (game data that is necessary for it to function properly). This should be a list of files with each entry separated by commas. An example value found: Data\Skyrim.esm, Data\Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Data\Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Data\Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Data\Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Data\Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Data\Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Data\Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

Default is blank.

sEssentialFileCacheList=Data\Filename1, Data\Filename2, ...

sIntroMovie[edit | edit source]

sIntroMovie is believed to be unused by the game. sIntroMovie may set a movie for whenever a new game is started, playing before the initial quest; however, this only worked for TES IV games.

Default is blank.


sIntroSequence[edit | edit source]

sIntroSequence sets the intro sequence movie(s) where by default the Bethesda Logo shows up. Additional movies may be added in sequence using commas. Movies should be locate in Data\Video. Leaving sIntroSequence blank will skip it.

Default is BGS_LOGO.BIK.


sLanguage[edit | edit source]

sLanguage sets the language of the subtitle files to be used. The voice files used are determined upon the language chosen when the game was installed. It is typically in all caps.

Default is ENGLISH.


sLocalMasterPath[edit | edit source]

sLocalMasterPath is believed to be unused by the game.

Default is Data\.


sLocalSavePath[edit | edit source]

sLocalSavePath sets the subdirectory where your game saves are stored at %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Skyrim. Changing this can be useful if you decide to organize your saves by character or other means. You could rename the save folder with all the John saves in it to John and change this value to access the John saves and so on. This value cannot be changed to a full path. Mod Organizer automatically overrides this setting when using profile-specific saves.

Default is Saves\.


sMainMenuMovieIntro[edit | edit source]

Default is blank.


sMainMenuMusic[edit | edit source]

Default is \Data\Music\Special\MUS_MainTheme.xwm.


sStartingCell[edit | edit source]

sStartingCell sets the starting cell for a new game, bypassing the main menu and the main quest startup.

Default is blank.


sStartingCellX[edit | edit source]

sStartingCellX sets the x-coordinate in the starting cell specified in sStartingCell.

Default is blank.


sStartingCellY[edit | edit source]

sStartingCellY sets the y-coordinate in the starting cell specified in sStartingCell.

Default is blank.


sStartingWorld[edit | edit source]

sStartingWorld sets the worldspace of the starting cell specified in sStartingCell.

Default is blank.


sTestFile1[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is Skyrim.ESM.


sTestFile2[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile3[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile4[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile5[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile6[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile7[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile8[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile9[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sTestFile10[edit | edit source]

sTestFile1 through sTestFile10 are settings that allow loading of plugins without using the standard loading method. Be advised that plugins loaded here will NOT automatically load their corresponding BSA files if they exist. These, however, can be added to the sArchiveList in [Archive].

Default is blank.


sUnessentialFileCacheList[edit | edit source]

sUnessentialFileCacheList probably is a caching system for unessential game data (game data that is the game can technically run without). This should be a list of files with each entry separated by commas. An example value found: Data\Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Data\Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa

Default is blank.

sUnessentialFileCacheList=Data\Filename1, Data\Filename2, ...

uExterior Cell Buffer[edit | edit source]

uExterior Cell Buffer sets the amount of cells to buffer when outdoors. It should be at least the value of uGridsToLoad plus one squared so that the next cell you move to is in the buffer. Negative values cause CTD. Default is 36.

uExterior Cell Buffer=(0,1,2,...)

uGridsToLoad[edit | edit source]

uGridsToLoad sets how much of the world is rendered around the player. The value may only be an odd number that is 5 or higher. Values below 5 will be rounded up to 5. Even numbers shall be rounded up to the higher odd number (e.g., a value of 6 becomes 7). Negative values cause CTD. It is recommended to be left at its default value. Higher values will likely bug out the game over time.

Default is 5.


uInterior Cell Buffer[edit | edit source]

uInterior Cell Buffer sets the number of cells to buffer when indoors. Negative values cause CTD.

Default is 3.

uInterior Cell Buffer=(0,1,2,...)

uMainMenuMusicAttnmB[edit | edit source]

Default is 1200.


uMainMenuMusicFadeTimeMS[edit | edit source]

Default is 1500.
