
From Step Mods | Change The Game

STEP Guides [edit | edit source]

Figure 1: STEP workflow concept for incorporating mods into a mod list build'.

STEP Guides are complete, stand-alone modding guides for the game they support. They are intended to be a complete, 'STEP-modded' build. In addition to adding upon the visual and acoustic enhancements of a vanilla game, STEP Guides modify aspects of the vanilla game in terms of gameplay mechanics and may include mods that add or subtract specific functionality to yield an overall more immersive experience.

STEP Guides are about ...

  • ... content that is consistent with the game's style and lore, as established by Bethesda's creators and extrapolated on by the STEP community in accordance with resources:
  • ... continuity and qualitative consistency of all in-game behaviors and assets (i.e., sounds, textures, models, gameplay, etc.)
  • ... new content, assets, and effects that "fit" the game's style and TES lore.

STEP Guides are NOT about ...

  • ... sex mods, body replacement mods, or beauty mods that unrealistically affect or digress from the ambiance and style of the vanilla game.
  • ... sound replacement mods that digress from the game's vanilla ambience.
  • ... texture mods that deviates from the game's visual style.
  • ... mods that are only required for a specific user base (i.e., a mod that fixes UI issues but only for users running at 4K)

STEP Core Builds [edit | edit source]

Figure 1: STEP workflow concept for incorporating mods into the STEP Core build'.

While Bethesda does its best to patch and update their games, they still missed a great deal and leave users desiring more with certain aspects of the game. STEP Core Builds are mod lists that comprehensively enhances vanilla games for the PC in order to properly finish what Bethesda attempted. Specifically, ...

STEP Core Builds are about ...

  • ... bug fixes and corrections to malfunctioning aspects of the vanilla games.
  • ... HD asset replacements in the style of the vanilla game.
  • ... improvements to existing content that increases the consistency of the vanilla game.
  • ... interface mods that improve the menus and UI for the PC.
  • ... new content that is interpreted as a "should have been included" resource and remains consistent with the vanilla game.

STEP Core Builds are a comprehensive assemblage of game "corrections" with minimal potential for conflict with downstream mods. Another way to think of STEP Core Builds is that they simply take the Unofficial Patches a step further by integrating them all along with other miscellaneous fixes and vanilla-friendly asset enhancements. They serve as a stable base for creating new STEP Builds.

STEP Core Builds are NOT about ...

  • ... content that conflicts with the game's lore or the lore from its series.
  • ... mods that subjectively alter or contrast with the style of the vanilla game.
  • ... new content that is out-of-scope with the vanilla game.
  • ... mods that subjectively alter gameplay mechanics.
  • ... mods that have a high likelihood of having "data conflicts" with other mods.
  • ... mods that have a high performance penalty.